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Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Drunk Words

Last month, I tackled the Top 10 Drunk Phrases, so now I thought I’d look at the single colloquial words for being drunk. So for my 17th Top 10 list that’s what we’ll do, so I can keep milking the Drunk Words, a project I worked on several years ago and finally got back on line last year. Again, one of things I absolutely love about the English language is just how many words we have for the same thing, especially colloquialisms, better known as slang. If you accept the anthropologist theory that what’s important to a culture can be deduced by the number of words it has for certain aspects of its culture (which I don’t, BTW) then the nearly 2,000 words for being drunk would say quite a bit. Only sex and parts of the body seem to have more. Anyway, my choices are based simply on the way the words sound or some other ephemeral quality that I like, like cleverness or the pure unabashed silliness of the word. There are so many great drunken words to choose from, take a look at the list and let me know your faves. Anyway, here’s List #17:

Top 10 Drunk Words



It was really difficult to keep the list to ten, and a great many colorful words were left on the cutting room floor. Here’s a few more that almost made the list:

Cupshotten, Embalmed, Floored, Flummoxed, Gambrinous, Goofy, Implixlocated, Inebriated, Marinated, Oenophygia, Shipwrecked, Snoozamorooed, Tanked, Tight, Upholstered, Vulcanized, and Zonked.

Let me know your favorites, and if you see any you know of that are missing from the list, please post a comment and I’ll add it.


Also, if you have any ideas for future Top 10 lists you’d like to see, drop me a line.

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