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Weekend Reading

In my on-going efforts to stay caught up, here is some worthwhile reading I’ll suggest taking a look at. These are various random beer articles that have come to my attention over the last few weeks. Enjoy.

  1. Craft Beer In A Can? A Gutsy Move Is Paying Off from NPR
  2. Oh Dear, It’s Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer by Joanne Weintraub, on the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel Online
  3. That’s a ‘Binge Belly,’ Not a Beer Belly on WebMD Health News
  4. Category Builders vs. Category Killers on the Branding Strategy Insider
  5. Why Every Cold Beer Costs You More by Michael Brush on MSN Money
  6. Celebrate the History of Statistics: Drink a Guinness by Andrew Leonard on Salon’s How the World Works, which is also discussed at the Economist’s View
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