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Friday night was another spectacular beer dinner at the Cathedral Hill Hotel in San Francisco. This one featured the beers of German brewery, Georg Schneider & Sohn.

Beer Chef Bruce Paton looks on while Susanne Hecht, Export Manager for Schneider Weisse, talks about the brewery, its history and their wonderful beers.

The main course, Trifecta of Duck Preparations paired with one of my favorite beers, Aventinus Doppelbock. I don’t think I’d had the Aventinus Weizen-Eisbock, which was served with dessert, before and at 12% it packed quite a wallop. But it had some great complexity going for it, too, and worked quite well with the chocolate bread pudding. Also, Schnedier’s Oktoberfest beer, which they can’t call an Oktoberfest beer anymore since they no longer brew in Munich — the Schneider Wiesen Edel-Weisse — was a delight. It’s now certified organic for the U.S. market, and a very easy-drinking beer loaded with flavor.

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