October 10, 2007 |
After the Brewers Reception, everybody adjourned, as usual, to the Falling Rock, unofficial HQ during festival week.
Chris Rock, owner of The Falling Rock, welcoming everyone to the kick-off of GABF week, and introducing the first guest.
Hildegard van Ostaden, brewster of Urthel, who introduced a new beer, an anniversary beer based on her quadrium ale, Samaranth.
Clockwise from lower left: Tomme Arthur, from Port Brewing and the Lost Abbey, Vinnie Cilurzo from Russian River, Dave Keene, from the Toronado and Amy Dalton, from All About Beer magazine.
Marty Jones, from Oskar Blues Brewing in Lyons, Colorado — along with his Brewbadors — entertaining the faithful with his original beer-soaked tunes.
Which was followed by the Rolling Boil Blues Band, visible here from top to bottom are John Harris, from Full Sail Brewing, frontman Tom Dalldorf of the Celebrator, and Dave Alexander from the Brickskeller.
Julie Bradford Johnson provides guest vocals on Hop This Town. Click below to see a video of her performance.
Bruce Joseph, from Anchor Brewing, and Melissa Myers, from Drake’s.
Vinnie Cilurzo and Dave Keene show off what can happen if you sit in one place for too long.
Tomme Arthur (love that expression, Tomme) and Amy Dalton.
Greg Koch, from Stone Brewing, flying the Bulletin flag.