August 11, 2007 |
The 10th annual IPA Festival at the Bistro in Hayward took place on Saturday, August 11, 2007.
Outside the Bistro the morning of the festival.
Inside preparations were underway to get ready for the hundreds of IPA aficionados who would later pass through the doors of the Bistro to sample the 54 different IPAs on hand at the festival.
Meanwhile, down in the basement, we were judging the preliminary round with each group of judges choosing three beers of fourteen to push forward for the final round of judging.
When we then tried the twelve finalists and then discussed them all as a group in order to arrive at the three winners.
After the judging, Judy Ashworth took this picture of all the judges and stewards (except herself, of course).
Celebrator publisher Tom Dalldorf and publican maven Judy Ashworth.
When we emerged from our cave the festival was well underway.
Former San Andreas Brewing owner Bill Millar with his former assistant Mitch Steele, who’s now the head brewer at Stone Brewing.
Judy Ashworth, Bill Millar, Mitch Steele and Bistro owner Vic Krajl.
Yuko and Quentin Falconer with Colin, their new baby.
Back in the tent with Steve, Shaun, Adrienne, Tom, Cheryl, Chris and James.
As many beer people — brewers, publicans, salesmen, etc. — as we could round up for a group photo.
And Now … The Outtakes:
Brewer Rodger Davis practicing his pratfall.