For “The Session,” also known as “Beer Blogging Friday” I’ve created a logo for anyone to use if they so desire. I do encourage using it, because that way it visually ties together that we’re all blogging about the same theme on the same project. I’ve created the logo in three different sizes and also with and without the subtitle “Beer Blogging Friday.” If anyone has any other ideas or modifications to suggest, send me an e-mail.
Upon request, I’ve also added a version with the main text justified right. If anybody wants to monkey with the original, I’ve uploaded the Photoshop file so you can download it. The font I used is Futura condensed. The image is from an old French beer poster from the 1920s from Gangloff, which I believe is in the public domain.
Also, please do NOT hotlink to these images. Please download them and put them on your own server. Thanks.