May 4, 2008 |
On Monday May 4, the members of the Publican National Committee, consisting of Brouwer’s, The Falling Rock, The Horse Brass, Monk’s Cafe, and the Toronado, assembled at Russian River Brewing’s production facility to brew a collaborative beer to be sold exclusively at member pubs. The new beer will be called Publication, and will be an 8% a.b.v. Saison.
Chris Black, from the Falling Rock, and Dave Keene, from the Toronado, look in on the mash-in.
Vinnie Ciliurzo, adding to the mix.
Making wort.
Getting the boil going.
On deck brewing, from left: Dave Keene, Chris Black, Vinnie Cilurzo, Matt Bonney and Matt Vandenberghe.
Vern adds a bucket of hops.
So does Chris Black.
Followed by Big Daddy.
Vinnie then adds a bag of sugar.
Followed by Bonney …
Dave Keene …
and Chris Black.
With a little help from Bonney.
Even I got into the act, standing in for an absent Tom Peters and Don Younger.
The decidedly green shade of hop water.