Below is a list of fictional beer brands used in books, comics, films, games and television. Some of these brands went on to live in the real world, but they first existed in an author or creator’s mind.
- Aguijon Cerveza (Smallville) [television]
- Alamo Beer (King of the Hill) [animated television]
- Alderaanian Ale (Star Wars) [film]
- Alexander’s Famous Beer (Bones, How I Met Your Mother) [television]
- Allison’s Amber (Double Science) [radio]
- A.M. Ale (SNL) [television]
- American Beer (Big Time In Hollywood, FL) [television]
- Anaconda Malt Liquor (Black Dynamite) [film]
- The Ark Of The Covenant Ale (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch / don’t look at it, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Asaki (Servant X Service) [animated anime cartoon]
- Ashbury Export (Shameless) [UK television]
- Aspen Beer (Alien) [film]
- Baby Dick Belgian White (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Bad Dog Beer (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) [television]
- Bad Frog Beer [T-Shirt Design by Jim Wauldron] (Later made as an actual beer)
- Bane of Ratwater (Preacher) [television]
- Bear Whiz Beer (Firesign Theatre) [comedy album]
- Beckmann Gold Medal Lager Beer (40-Year-Old Virgin) [film]
- Beer (Repo Man) [film]
- Beer (Rubber, Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil, 22 Jump Street; resembles Miller Lite) [film]
- Beer (22 Jump Street; different from other one, resembles Guinness) [film]
- Beer (South Park) [animated television]
- Bendeery English Ale a.k.a. Bendeery (Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) [television]
- Benderbrau Cold-Fusion Steam Beer (Futurama) [animated television]
- Big Top Beer (Mama’s Family) [television]
- Binge Beer (NASULG PSA campaign) [animated television]
- Black Death Malt Liquor (WKRP) [television]
- Black Forest Beer2 (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) [television]
- Black Frost Beer2 (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) [television]
- Black History Month Beer (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Black Hole Brew (Home Movies) [film]
- Blitz (Simpsons, Duff competitor) [animated television]
- Bloat Beer (The Critic) [animated television]
- Blue Caboose Barley Wine (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Blue Rock Light (Slow Horses) [UK television]
- Blue Roost Beer (Preacher) [television]
- Blue Devil Brewery (The X-Files) [television]
- Blunt Beer Big Red (Far Cry) [film]
- Board Shorts Ale (Pretty Little Liars) [television]
- Bölkstoff (Flensburg Brewery; Werner Comics, Germany) [comics]
- Booth’s Lager Beer (Sausage Party) [animated film]
- Braderbrau (Shakes the Clown) [film]
- Brockman (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) [television]
- Buchanan’s (Justified) [television]
- Bud Dry Ice (Mad Magazine) [comics]
- Bud White (The Daily Show) [television]
- Butterbeer (Harry Potter) [films]
- Butz Beer (The Groove Tube) [film]
- Buzz Beer (Drew Carey Show) [television]
- Canoga Beer (Roseanne) [television]
- Cap-Beer-Cino (Drew Carey Show, Buzz competitor) [television]
- Cavern Keg Beer (The Benny Hill Show) [television]
- Cero Equis Lager Beer (Futurama) [animated television]
- Cerveza (Last Man On Earth, 22 Jump Street, Walking Dead) [television]
- Cerveza Clara (About a Boy, The Bridge, Community) [television] / (The Social Network) [film]
- Cerveza Royale (Team Fortress 2; in short video “Expiration Date”)[videogame]
- Chango, a.k.a. Cerveza Chango (El Mariachi, From Dusk to Dawn, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Sin City, Grindhouse, Desperado) [films]
- Christian Bale Ale (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Churchill’s (Eastenders; served at the Queen Vic pub) [television]
- Clarg Lite (Rick And Morty) [animated television]
- Clifford’s Duodenum (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- ColdCock Malt Liquor (SNL) [television]
- Coops (Magnum P.I.) [television]
- Crow Beer (Superman; on cover of Action Comics #689) [comics]
- Crown Beer (Homeland, by John Jakes) [book]
- Crudingtons XXXXXX Gold Medal Bitter (The Cloggies) [comic strip]
- Dandelion Beer (Redwall series) [book]
- Dharma Initiative Beer (Lost) [television]
- Dickhead Neighbor (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Dick Hole Beer (Inside Amy Schumer) [television]
- Dirty Filthy Liar (Anger Management) [television]
- Dog Sweat (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Doppleganger Dopplebock (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Dr. Philser Pilsner (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Duff Beer (Simpsons) [animated television]
- Durstin N/A (Childrens Hospital) [television]
- Dusche Gold (Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V) [videogame]
- El Brazo (The Happytime Murders) [film] / (The New Girl) [television]
- El Gusano Cerveza (Sausage Party) [animated film]
- El Macho Beer from Lakeside Brewery (Happy Hour a.k.a. Sour Grapes) [1987 film]
- El Sol Beer (Supernatural) [television]
- Elsinore Beer (Strange Brew) [film]
- Enoclaf Lager (Tammy) [film]
- Ent-draught (Lord of the Rings) [film]
- Ephraim Monk (Emmerdale) [UK television]
- Fat Black Beer (Frisky Dingo) [animated television]
- Fallout Beer (Fallout Boy 3) [videogame]
- Feinschmecker Brewery (Duffy’s Tavern) [radio]
- Fermento Beer (Futurama) [animated television]
- FG Beer (The Good Wife) [television]
- Fielding Beer (Mad Men) [television]
- Field’s Lite Beer1 (Cheers) [television]
- Fishbrau Pale Ale (Fallout) [videogame-based TV series]
- Fish Hook Ale (Big Trouble) [film]
- Flager Lager (Magnum P.I.) [television]
- Flagler Beer (All in the Family) [television]
- Flying Blue Magic Dog’s Mega-sucky Microbrew (Mad Magazine) [comics]
- Foamy Genuine Draft (Rick and Morty) [animated television show]
- Fudd Beer (Simpsons, Duff competitor) [animated television] show
- Furmanski (Inside Amy Schumer) [television]
- Ghettoblaster Beer (Guns Akimbo) [film]
- Girlie Girl Beer (Married With Children) [television]
- Golden Lion Brewery (A.I. Artificial Intelligence) [film]
- Grüberhof (Mission Hill fka The Downtowners) [television]
- Guatemalica Beer (King of the Hill) [animated television]
- Haberkern Beer (Dollhouse, Desperate Housewives, and It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia) [television]
- Hard Hammer Lager (Preacher) [television]
- Handyman Ale (Blott On The Landscape) [novel]
- Hefecrocken (Deus Ex: Human Revolution) [videogame]
- Harry Porter (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Hefecrocken (Deus Ex: Human Revolution) [videogame]
- Heffershessenheisenbrausendeuselbach (Mad Magazine) [comics]
- Heifer (Bob’s Burgers) [television]
- Heireken (Black Lagoon) [animated anime cartoon]
- Heisler Beer (Adam DeVine’s House Party, Anger Management, Beerfest, Bionic Woman, Bones, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Burn Notice, CSI, Desperate Housewives, Dollhouse, Everybody Hates Chris, Happy Endings, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, My Name Is Earl, The New Girl, Superbad, The Shield, Training Day, Two and Half Men, Weeds) [film, television]
- Herzwesten Dark (Drawing of the Dark, by Tim Powers) [book]
- Hooper Lite (Rage) [videogame]
- Hops (The Rookie) [television]
- Iron Spur (Poker Face) [television]
- Isolator Doppelbock [campaign on labeling information for the Dutch beer consumer organization PINT]
- Jekyll Island Beer (Dexter, Lost, Prison Break, The Rules of Attraction) [film, television]
- Jenkins (Eastenders) [UK television]
- Jordans Ale (Kick Ass) [comic book]
- Kaller Beer (Anger Management) [television]
- Klein’s Beer (Futurama) [animated television]
- Knotted Pine (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) [television]
- Koul-Brau Beer (DC Comics) [comics]
- Koul-Brau Beer (Batman: Arkham Origins)[videogame]
- La Mer Beer (Akira) [animated film]
- Large (Robert Rankin’s Brentford Trilogy; drunk at The Flying Swan) [novel]
- Laughing Clown Malt Liquor (Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby) [film]
- Leopard Lager (Red Dwarf) [UK television]
- Liberty Ale (Freelancer) [computer/video game]
- Livermush Ale (Mad Magazine) [comics]
- Löbrau Beer (Futurama) [animated television]
- Logger Beer (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) [videogame]
- Long Leak Malt Liquor (SNL) [television]
- Lordweiser Beer (Futurama) [animated television]
- Lothar Beer (Rage) [videogame]
- Lucky Diamond Lager (Mike Tyson Mysteries) [animated television]
- Lunenburg Pale Ale (Haven) [television]
- Luxford and Copley (Eastenders) [UK television]
- MAC 50 (Idiocracy) [film]
- Marshall Beer (Happy Hour a.k.a. Sour Grapes) [1987 film]
- Meichtry Draft Beer (The Big Lebowski) [1998 film] / (That 70s Show) [television]
- Mexico Beer (Tokimeki Memorial ~Only Love~) [animated anime cartoon]
- Midas Gold (The Wolf Among Us) [videogame]
- Midas Lime (The Wolf Among Us) [videogame]
- Mister Beer (SNL) [television]
- Mobay Beer (Archer) [animated television]
- Mommy Beer (SNL) [television]
- Monkeyshine Beer (Friends) [television]
- Moose Beer (“The Edible Woman,” by Margaret Atwood) [book]
- Mountain Springs Lite (“Made For Love”) [television]
- Mt. Glacier Amber Ale (Smallville) [television]
- Muchos Gatos Beer (Supernatural) [television]
- Mudder’s Milk (Firefly) [television]
- Munsch Beer (Night Gallery) [television]
- My Dad’s A Bastard (Anger Management) [television]
- Nedweiser a.k.a. Ned (State of Decay) [videogame]
- Newton & Ridley (Coronation Street) [UK television]
- Norbecker Beer (Beer: The Movie) [1985 film]
- Nutbrown Beer (Redwall series) [book]
- October Nutbrown Ale (Redwall series) [book]
- O’Glums Non-Alcoholic Beer (Simpsons) [animated television]
- Olde British 600 (Community) [television]
- Olde Chattanooga Beer (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) [film]
- Old Düsseldorf (Magnum P.I.) [television]
- Olde Fortran Malt Liquor (Futurama) [animated television]
- Olde Frothingslosh Pale Stale Ale [radio]
- Olde Ogdenville Ale (Simpsons) [animated television]
- Old Geezer Draft Beer (Team Fortress 2) [videogame]
- Old Monk’s Bell (Double Science) [radio]
- Old Stoneface (The Weber Show) [television]
- Old Stoneface Light (The Weber Show) [television]
- Orbital Tandoor (Double Science) [radio]
- Otter’s Crest (Double Science) [radio]
- Ovat Beer (Stebner Studios) [advertising]
- Pabst Blue Robot (Futurama) [animated television]
- Panther Pilsner (The Three Stooges) [film]
- Pawtucket Patriot Ale (Family Guy) [animated television]
- Penn Pavel (Film: Stuck in Love, Truman Show / TV: Becker, Being Human, Burn Notice, Chicago Fire, Cougar Town, Go On, Just Friends, October Road, Rizolli & Isles, You’re the Worst) [film/television]
- Penzburg Beer (Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Life, Lost, My Name Is Earl, Sons of Anarchy, Superbad, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) [film, television]
- Pisswasser Beer a.k.a. Pißwasser (Grand Theft Auto IV) [videogame]
- Polar Beer (Lost) [television]
- Pooch Daddy Cézanne (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Presidente (Deception) [film]
- Red Beer (Archer) [animated television]
- Red Tick Beer (Simpsons, Duff competitor) [animated television]
- Redwall Abbey Ale (Redwall series) [book]
- Rettib (Red Dwarf: bitter backwards) [UK television]
- Riland’s Dark Water (Double Science) [radio]
- Rocketfuel Malt Liquor (News Radio) [television]
- Romulan Ale (Star Trek) [television]
- Sailor’s Junk (Double Science) [radio]
- Sam Adams Bargain Stout (Mad Magazine) [comics]
- Sam Adams’ Head (Futurama) [animated television]
- Sam Adams Nuclear Winter Lager (Mad Magazine) [comics]
- Samuel Jackson Beer (Chapelle Show) [television]
- Schmitts Gay Beer (SNL) [television]
- Schnitzengiggle (Beerfest) [film]
- Schraderbräu (Homebrew by character, Hank Schrader, on Breaking Bad) [television]
- Scorpion Beer (Casa De Mi Padre) [film]
- Shires Ale (The Archers) [UK radio]
- Shotz Beer (Laverne & Shirley, Scary Movie) [film, television]
- Shrew Beer (Redwall series) [book]
- Skittlebrau (Simpsons) [animated television]
- Skull Island Beer (Dexter) [television]
- Spud Beer (SNL) [television]
- Spunk Beer (Tank Girl) [comics, film]
- Squinty Pete’s Backwash Brew (Mad Magazine) [comics]
- St. Anky Beeer (Super Troopers) [film]
- St. Pauli Exclusion Principle Girl Beer (Futurama) [animated television]
- Sontory Beer (Magical Witch Punie-chan) [animated anime cartoon]
- Stale Beer (The Station by Maker, fka Nacho Punch, from Hipsters Love Beer sketch) [YouTube]
- Stelburg Louis (Shameless) [UK television]
- Stem Cell Lager/Stem Cell Lite (Rick Mercer Report, Canada) [television]
- Stoney’s Extra Stout (Dead Milkmen) [music]
- Stoolbend Lager (The Cleveland Show) [animated television]
- Strolling Rock (Simpsons, Duff competitor) [animated television]
- Taps Beer (Rick And Morty) [animated television]
- Tenku Beer (Kill Bill) [film]
- Thighslapper Ale (Supernatural, in Season 7, Episode 18, “Party On, Garth”) [television]
- Tommy Genuine Draft (State of Decay) [videogame]
- Tree Frog Beer (Furry Freak Brothers) [comic book]
- Turbot’s Really Odd Real Ale (Discworld) [novel]
- Vän Der Bräu (Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23) [television]
- Verstraeten Red Ale (Neighbors 2) [film]
- Vudweiser (Mad TV) [television]
- Weehawken Lager Beer Nectar (Duffy’s Tavern) [radio]
- Wetnose Lager (Far Cry 3, Far Cry: Blood Dragon) [videogame]
- Wharmpess Beer (How I Met Your Mother) [television]
- Willer Beer (Kentucky Fried Movie) [film]
- Winkle’s Old Peculiar Real Ale (Discworld) [novel]
- Yeast ‘n Stuff (Married With Children) [television]
- Yebichu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) [computer/video game]
- Yogi Beer (Stay Tuned) [film]
- Zazz Beer (Metalocalypse) [animated television]
Duff Beer Line Extensions
Beer brands associated with the Simpsons.
- Duff Beer
- Duff Lite
- Duff Dry
- Duff Dark
- Future Duff Beer
- Henry K. Duff’s Private Reserve
- Lady Duff
- O’Glums Non-Alcoholic Beer
- Raspberry Duff
- Tartar Control Duff
Duff Beer Competitors
- Billy Beer
- Blitz
- Fudd Beer
- Red Tick Beer
- Skittlebrau
- Strolling Rock
Fictional beer brands from Futurama.
- Benderbrau Cold-Fusion Steam Beer
- Klein’s Beer
- Löbrau Beer
- Olde Fortran Malt Liquor
- Pabst Blue Robot
- St. Pauli Exclusion Principle Girl Beer
Mad Magazine Beer Spoofs
Beer brands used in Mad Magazine.
- Bud Dry Ice
- Flying Blue Magic Dog’s Mega-sucky Microbrew
- Heffershessenheisenbrausendeuselbach
- Livermush Ale
- Sam Adams Bargain Stout
- Sam Adams Nuclear Winter Lager
- Vudweiser
Saturday Night Live
Beers spoofed over the years on NBC’s Saturday Night Live.
- A.M. Ale
- Budd Light
- ColdCock Malt Liquor
- Long Leak Malt Liquor
- Masterbrew
- Mister Beer
- Mommy Beer (packaged in baby bottles)
- Schmitts Gay Beer
- Spud Beer (“The Beer That Made Boise Famous”)
Wacky Packages
Beers spoofed on Wacky Packages.
- Battletime Beer (Ballantine)
- Blast Blew Ribbon Beer (Pabst)
- Bloodweiser (Budweiser)
- Corpse Light (Coors Light)
- Cult 45 (Colt 45)
- Long Line Beer
- Muller Beer (Miller)
- Pigs Blue Ribbon (Pabst)
- Shmutz Beer (Schlitz)
- Stroke’s
Independent Studio Services
Independent Studio Services (ISS), for over thirty years, has been creating lifelike, real world-like props for television and films. During that time, they’ve come up with a least eleven different beer brands.
- Bison Genuine Draft2
- Bilson Genuine Draft2
- Brockman Premium Dark Ale
- Cerveza Clara
- Cerveza Fresca
- Haberkern Beer
- Heisler Gold Ale
- Jekyll Island Lager
- Jekyll Island Red Ale
- Matador Lager
- O’Farren Original Ale
- Olde British ‘600’ Malt Liquor
- Penzburg
- Premium Beer
The Earl Hays Press
The Earl Hays Press has been around since 1915, and also provides product props to the film and television industry. Not surprisingly, they have even more fake brands than ISS.
- Ayvthaya Beer
- Balter’s
- Beer
- Beer & Co. Pale Ale
- Best By Test Beer
- Brenner’s
- Brickhauser Beer
- Butt’s Beer
- Carano Extra
- Diamond Back
- Fielding
- Flagler Beer
- Fsingfao
- Galaxy Light Beer
- Grandville
- Guiness
- Hart Lager
- Lager Beer
- Longhorn Lager
- Mandolay Lite
- Maple Leaf Pale Ale
- Meichtry
- Murphy’s Beer
- Nacy L. Courey’s
- National Beer
- Old Crown Beer
- Old Gotham Lager
- Paul Revere
- Penn Pavel’s
- Pilsner Papane
- Platz Beer
- Rebel Beer
- Redwood Beer
- Regina Stout
- Tiller Beer
- Tuttle’s Beer
- Typhoon
- Ulberg
- Valiant Beer
- Wilbur Beer
If you know of any beer brands I’ve missed, pleased either leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
1: Field’s Lite Beer was a fictional beer that Sam Malone did a television commercial for in one episode, but it was not served at Cheers.
2: I’m not sure if both of these were in the show, or if one is a typo, but both appear in different lists.