It was with a heavy heart that I received the news this morning that Danny Williams lost his battle with cancer last night, and passed away peacefully in his sleep. Ben Spencer sent me the word, and had this to say about his friend. “Danny was a great man. He was loved by many. This is a sad day for his family and friends. He will be missed.”
Ben added that “all Danny wanted out of his friends and family in his remembrance was no teary ceremonies, just ‘good people drinking good beers and smiling.'” There will be some sort of gathering of people to remember Danny, though the details, of course, are still being worked out. There was already a fundraiser scheduled for February 11 at Back Country Pizza in Boulder, and that will go forward as planned.
Danny’s family and friends want to thank everyone who donated generously to help make his remaining time more comfortable. Great progress was made toward saving the mine and keeping Danny’s home in the family, but additional donations are necessary to complete that work. If you haven’t already done so, please consider helping out Danny’s family as they struggle through this difficult time. As before, PayPal makes it easy to make a donation, and for larger amounts, there is a fund set up at First Bank in Boulder, Colorado under the name the “Danny Williams Fund,” where anyone can make a deposit. Their phone number is 450-120-3112.
Danny Williams: March 1, 1959-January 23, 2012
Danny was rare person, passionate and giving, especially when it came to beer. Dip into your own beer cellar tonight and pull out a rare beer to toast the memory of Danny Williams.
🙁 Danny was a great guy with great energy about him and he will definitely be missed.
So sad to hear the news. My condolences to his family & friends, esp those who worked with Danny for so many years at the Brewers Assoc and the many events he helped organize (GABF, Nat’l Homebrewers Conf, etc.) While I never visited his infamous cave, I did have folks sneak beer & schwag into the cave to surprise Danny.
RIP Danny
Amidst the craziness and crowds of The Great American Beer Festival or the Craft Brewers Conference, there was always the calming presence and a kind word or two from Danny Williams. That’s besides the fact that he could always find the beer you were looking for (or personally deliver the keg).
– If there is beer in heaven, he will find it. –
Thank you, Danny, for enriching all the lives of those you touched.
So sad to hear the news. Danny was a lot of fun, a guy who lived life to the fullest. R.I.P. You will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Cheers to you Danny!
RIP Danny and Godspeed.
Daniel my brother, you are older then me ……….
Many, many nights sorting beer at AB to make sure things went as planned at the fest. Checking each box and then checking them again the next night. Don’t forget box 99 !!Many IPA’s consumed which he claimed were all ‘his favorite”. Having a great time on your birthday at Mountain Sun with Fletcher in his “future brewer” t-shirt.
And ….giving me shit for no reason whatsoever. Classic Danny !!
You will be missed my dear friend ……have a sour with me in the clouds.
Good to hear (hopefully it’s true) he went peacefully.
I wish I could say the same about my mother recently.
Never enough time to sit and have a full beer with you…my loss. It is comforting to know that when we all get to the other side, you will have the beer cooler organized and ready for us.