A Bulletin reader let me know that that Dirty Jobs episode I wrote about in September where they picked hops in the Yakima Valley will be airing this coming Tuesday — November 25 at 9:00 p.m. — on the Discovery channel. Mark your calendars. I assume the 9:00 is Eastern time, but you should check your local listings to make sure what time it’s on in your area. The episode is actually called “Vellum Maker,” undoubtedly for the second segment of the one-hour show, the description of which is “Mike travels to Yakima, Washington to harvest hops, the main ingredient in beer. From there Mike goes to the Hudson Valley where he turns animal hides in to paper.” Should be fun.
Mike Rowe and the crew of Dirty Jobs with Ralph Olson in the upstairs break room at HopUnion’s offices in Yakima.
Kelly Brantner says
I enjoyed seeing the Dirty Job gang picture. Would have loved to have been there.