It’s been a busy couple of days, filled with deadlines and the stomach flu. Finally on the mend and with at least one article filed, it’s time to catch up with what’s going in the beer world. And one article on MS Money was sent to me more than any other in recent memory, entitled “Will Microbrews Kill the King of Beers.” It makes some interesting points, though dwells a bit too much on Blue Moon’s success. But I think it’s a little too early to start predicting A-B’s demise. They still hold a commanding lead, which isn’t going away overnight. Even if the InBev takeover bid is successful, not much will change concerning Bud’s market dominance. And even if the big breweries did disappear, I don’t think it’s entirely fair to blame the good beer segment. The reasons for flat sales of the big beers is more complicated than that. And let’s not forget that the big breweries very easily could make all-malt, well-hopped flavorful beers. They just choose not to for economic reasons. So perhaps they are as much to blame as anyone else, acting like old dinosaurs unwilling to change with the times and provide their customers with the products they really want. Can you really blame craft brewers because they do just that?