Well that’s it in a nutshell. Rob, from Pfiff!, explains it more thoroughly, and the real title of his topic for Session #17 is actually “Going Against the Grain Bill: Solstice Edition.” With that mouthful of a title, he’s definitely got some ‘splainin’ to do, which he wittily manages:
Up here in the Northern hemisphere, we’re fast approaching the summer solstice, when the sun opts to beat down on us for as long as possible, and the marketing eye of brewing’s Sauron becomes firmly targeted on light, easily quaffable, lawnmower beers, which we’re all supposed to dumbly chug down after demonstrably wiping our brows with the brim of the sweat-beaded can (cuz it’s hot!) while wearing our mothball-scented aloha shirts and comically over-sized, personalized suede bbq mitts. (I’m likewise certain the same spell is being cast on you all down in the Southern hemisphere, but I can’t even begin to imagine what they’re trying to sell you at the moment.)
Granted, this sounds fun for about a minute. But before too long, we all like to duck out of view and follow our true (beer-related, please) desires, despite how unconventional it may seem to the general populace. Now’s your chance to enlighten the rest of the world on what they might be missing.
The subject for July’s Session could be summed up thusly: Drinking anti-seasonally. Think of this as the unorthodox cousin of such topics as “beer and food” and “beer and music”. Beer and weather, perhaps? More like beer despite the weather, I guess. Cracking open a Guinness on the beach, finishing a day of yardwork with a Speedway Stout, or whatever else you do that raises an eyebrow (again, beer-related, please), do us all a favor an take a few moments to share your non-conformist tale (again, you kangaroos and lemurs down there, your take on this could be even more peculiar, so do chime in, please).
This should be fun. I rarely do what I’m supposed to, so now I’m not sure how to not do something that tells me to talk about what’s something I do that I’m not supposed to. Capisce? Join us on the 4th of July to talk about what beer you drink when no one’s looking.