Today would have been Alec Moss’ 80th birthday, but unfortunately he passed away in early September several years ago. I first got to know Alec when I worked with him on some private label contract beers I did for BevMo when he was head brewer at the now-defunct Golden Pacific Brewery in Berkeley. Alec then spent some time at Redbird Brewing before moving to the coast to be head brewer at the picturesque Half Moon Bay Brewing, but he retired several years ago, although he was coaxed back for a time to work part-time for Anchor Brewing, building them a pilot system. Every time I saw him he seemed to be enjoying his retirement enormously, but then he unexpectedly fell ill. Join me in drinking a toast to Alec’s memory tonight.
Alec and me yesterday at his 70th birthday party at the Tornado.
Alec in the brewhouse at Half Moon Bay Brewing Co.
At the Toronado for He’Brew’s release party. From left: Alec, Pete Slosberg, formerly of Pete’s Wicked Ales, Jeremy Cowan of Shmaltz Brewing and Rodger Davis, now with Triple Rock Brewing.
Alec with Tom Dalldorf at the 2011 Anchor Christmas party.
Several years ago at the Breastfest in San Francisco, from left: Alec, Jeff Botz, Arne Johnson, Betsey Hensley, Vinnie & Natalie Cilurzo and Abalone Rob Mika.
Happy Birthday Alec. You’re still 2 years older than me.
Barbara Groom
Lost Coast Brewery
Beer and motorcycles as the fountain of youth–I like it.
Happy birthday to Mr. Moss!
Wow, 66? I remember the first time I met Alec. I was working on my ill-fated video tour of Northern California breweries (VHS no less) and wanted to pick up some beer to drink while editing. SF Brewing was close by, but the beers could be hit and miss. I tentatively ordered a pint… porter, I think it was … and took a sip. Hmmmm…. it wasn’t bad. Took another, bigger, sip. Hell, it was actually GOOD! I looked around to make sure I was in the same place I thought I was. I guess the surprise showed on my face, because the guy on the next barstool grinned and said something to the effect of, “Is everything OK?” “Better than OK,” I said. “This beer doesn’t suck. I wonder who brewed it.” He just grinned (that sly Alec grin I came to know so well) and said, “I did.” Another beginning to a wonderful friendship over a pint of good beer.
Happy birthday and happy retirement Alec!
The guy on the right is Abalone Rob Mika (Sp?) Worked for a while at Marin and tended bar at Barclays.
happy bornday Alec!
we are still trying to find a home for your bottles!!!
Alec Thanks for all you taught Bryan, Justin and I at HMB Brewery re: brewing/ABC rules/etc. But you aren’t really “retired” right??? You’re much too young for that
HMB Brewery Beer Delivery Guy
Alec’s CLASS! I’ve known him for 28 yrs as a fellow San Andreas Malt. Great brewer w/TOTAL integrity about his brews, “homey” or for sale! His former employers sometimes had no clue – 2 cases:
1) Allan Paul (SF Brewing Co, now gone – he sold & moved to TX, where his wife found & holds a high-end job) refused to dump bad brews (knowing full well that most of his financial district customers had no clue) – the beer geex knew better & stayed away.
2) Half Moon Bay has served beer in COLD glass since Day 1 – Alec gave up trying to clue the owners in on this issue. However, when sitting @ the bar, most times the Alec-clued-in bartenders found me a room-temp glass when I asked.
A couple weex ago, the Chron ran a big article on HMB’s charitable work that made no mention of Alec, but cited the current brewer. I talked to Alec about it @ the Breastfest 7/17 – he’d seen the article, & was neither surprised nor insulted by being excluded from it. That’s CLASS – I in the same situation would have been max PO’d!
Alec – belated KUDOS – you & Donn Westmoreland share the same
Happy Bday Alec!!!! Hope you had lots of fun on it or just kicking back and relaxing, you deserve it. Mark hit the nail on the head. That is so true about SF Brewing. You always had good stuff on tap and bring great beers to the Oyster BBQ. We’ll toast one to you tomorrow at the Malts event here. Wish you could come!!!
Kim/Harry – I didn’t see your post until now – but you forgot to do it; if I remember, we’ll do it Thursday @ Pi Bar – MJK
Another year of fun! Sorry we didn’t see you at the Breast Fest, too much fun I guess. Hope to see ya before the Oyster BBQ, maybe for a pub crawl! Happy bday!
Alec, congrats! You celebrate your b-day with Arne? Practically born on the same day. Best wishes.
Happy Birthday Alec!
Hope you are enjoying your well deserved retirement!
Why is it that all these brewers I have know for years keep getting older and I never change? I am looking for any person out there that has ever seen Alex without a smile. A.M. Is one of the niceest guys in the world.
Happy birthday, cuz. I hope this is you! I see a resemblence. Happiest of birthdays!
Feliz cumpleanos! Soixante-neuf is a good number 🙂
Wow I can’t believe a year has gone by since your last day!!! We’ll toast you tonight with a pils or alt in Neuwied!!! Cheers, have a wonderful bday!!!
Happy bday Alec!! Just home from Ohio Brew Week but will toast you tomorrow night. Hope you have a great beerday!!!
Alec- sorry I couldn’t make your gig @ Toronado (running a bridge game that I’d warned you about @ Breastfest came to pass). Whatever – 70 is the new 50! – Keep on motorcyclin! MJK
Alec!!! Happy birthday! Sorry I missed it. Oregon has some great breweries so you and Marina should cruise up here for some pints some time soon! Cheers, the Ferguson’s (Amber and Steve)
Man it is so great to see Alec looking so happy !! I go way back with Alec to the mid 70’s when I lived at Lake Sherwood and he used to come out from Maryland. Then in the late 70s I moved to Pacifica and Alex was a stone’s throw away. What a great guy, back then he was just starting to make beer in “carboys” ( plastic water bottles). I;m not a beer person myself, but I love really great people and Alex was and still is one of the dearest men I ever knew. So happy birthday to you Laddie Buc !!
Happy bday Alex!!!!! Hope you have a great bday today and many great beers. We’ll toast you tonight! Hope to see ya soon. Hoppy Beerday!
You’ve hit the 1st of 3 PRIME # ages in the 70’s (73 & 79 are the others; I’m putting in the #’s for the math non-savvy) – may you make those, the 2 in the 80’s (83 & 89), 97 & the 4 in the 100’s (101, 103, 107, & 109)! Stay forever young, my great brewer friend!
Happy Birthday, Anchors awiegh & Full Steamahead !
Time flies….its been 2 years since your BIG PARTY!!
I kept knowledge of my BIG ONE” low profile” last week. Cheers
May you keep on truckin’ for many years, fellow Deadhead (you the “taper” way more than I)!
Happy b day Alex!!!! Hope you have a great day and great beers!!!
Happy beerday Alec! thanks for all you’ve done for the beer community, the Malts, the Oyster BBQ, everything! Will toast you tonight at a Silicon Valley Beer Week event!
73 is prime.
Right on, Dave – we have 3 yrs to go before we reach our next one.
Alec – hope the breathing issue you were dealing w/in April @ the Oyster BBQ has gone by the wayside & that you’re back to doing your thing sans impediments!
Feliz Cumpleanos & Anchors Aweigh!
Hey Alec,
Hope you’re having a great beer day . We’ll toast you tonight at Harrys mom’s house in Athens Ohio. Here for beer week. Drinking some interesting ciders now. Have a great born on day!
Happy 74 Alec – may you be hoisting some good ones!