I’m not exactly sure who PS Prakasa Rao is. The best I can figure is he’s a scientist or doctor from India who frequently writes for his local newspaper. At any rate, he’s got an editorial piece titled “Beer Is Healthy Food” in today’s Central Chronicle from India.
In today’s editorial, he goes against conventional thinking and outlines how beneficial beer can be, stating that he believes beer to be “better than Milk.”
From the article:
Unless we have a tendency towards abuse, believe it or not, taken in moderation, Beer is actually a very healthy food. It’s full of vitamins and minerals that are good for nerve production, help you concentrate, increase blood circulation, and stimulate the metabolism. The hops, low alcohol content, and carbonation help relax the body.
He goes on to outline additional health benefits and, naturally, caution against binge drinking, along with a list of certain types of people who probably shouldn’t drink. I certainly prefer that to the neo-prohibitionist agenda that if one person can’t handle alcohol, no one else should be allowed to either. Way to go, Doc.