Assuming Sunday February 8 as Day One, the day Bill Brand was hit by a Muni Train, then today is Day 12 and there’s still been no change in Bill’s condition. The latest updates from Bill’s wife, Daryl, are from this morning where she writes that she is, understandably, feeling “horribly sad, [because] Bill continues to show no signs of improvement.” And also this morning on Bill’s Facebook page, the “family reports he shows no improvement and that’s not good. We are still waiting for that miracle.”
I don’t presume to speak for the entire Bay Area beer community, but I’ve talked to a staggering number of people over the past dozen days about Bill and to me there appears to be a general feeling of helplessness that there isn’t anything more we can do, no way we can truly help. All we can really do is wait and hope and pray for good news. We can — and should — keep Bill in our thoughts and hearts and continue toasting him each night around seven. Given the nature of his injuries, it may be days, weeks or even longer before his condition improves significantly. This is a vigil, and I, for one, am prepared to wait, and watch, and hope, no matter how long it takes.
Having come off a similar experience recently with my mother in the ICU and the hospital for an extended stay, nothing with a head injury is a quick fix and takes time to heal. Considering this trauma related injury and the subsequent surgery to relieve pressure on his brain, this by no means is a jump out of bed situation. The road is long and hopefully the news will be better. I think Jay said it right, the helplessness of the situation is staggering and I find myself throughout the day thinking of Bill and his family on the 4th floor ICU at San Francisco General Hospital. We should all have a sandwich and a beer and think of Bill and send the good thoughts.
Having come off a similar experience recently with my mother in the ICU and the hospital for an extended stay, nothing with a head injury is a quick fix and takes time to heal. Considering this trauma related injury and the subsequent surgery to relieve pressure on his brain, this by no means is a jump out of bed situation. The road is long and hopefully the news will be better. I think Jay said it right, the helplessness of the situation is staggering and I find myself throughout the day thinking of Bill and his family on the 4th floor ICU at San Francisco General Hospital. We should all have a sandwich and a beer and think of Bill and send the good thoughts.
Stay strong, Bill! Hope you can bounce back!
There’s definitely a lot of people pulling for him. I don’t know him personally, but his blog is one of the bests.
God bless Bill Brand. I fervently hope that he returns to all of us soon.
Praying for Bill each day… Still is so surreal. Thinking about him and his family.
Bill is in my thoughts pretty much every day – thank you very much Jay for keeping everyone posted and I look forward to the day when you can post some good news about Bill.
Gracious and classy words, Jay. I don’t know Bill personally, just from a distance as a fellow journalist. I’ve gotten to know him better via all the comments people have made since the accident. Yes, fingers are crossed for sure.
Jay, thanks for keeping us all posted. With the powerful positive thoughts coming from family, friends and fans, hopefully we’ll get that miracle. My heart goes out to Bill and his family.