The Brewing Network celebrated their third anniversary last night at Downtown Joe’s, a brewpub in Napa, California. I stopped by in the evening to show my support and say hello to a few friends. I hadn’t been to DOwntown Joe’s in many a moon, so it was nice to see the place again. I had a lovely pint of Perdition, the guest tap from Russian River, and also had a chance to try the house Pale Ale, Bitter and Hefeweizen, all of which were pretty decent.
The bar at Downtown Joe’s.
The Brewing Network crew, broadcasting their anniversary show.
Me with fellow blogger, Thomas Vincent, of Geistbear Brewing Blog, who was in the Bay Area on a beer tour before he moves to North Carolina in a few weeks.
The Homebrew Chef, Sean Paxton, with his daughter Olivia, who started walking last week.
After the regular broadcast, the BN folks changed costumes and serenaded the crowd with live music.
What a spectacular evening it was. I kept meaning to traverse the crowd to shake your hand, Jay, but was forever thwarted by the masses.
Glad you were there!
I watched online and wished I was there the whole time, its amazing to see so many beer LOVERS in one place!
I saw you but didnt know who you were . I should have said hi.
As a remote viewer of the party online, I have never had so much fun at a party I did not attend. I also never passed out at a party I did not attend, until now.
Feel like a douche for not attending.
Sure as hell will make the show next year.
Brooklyn, NY