You may recall that back in June, when Widmer Brothers Brewing first announced their fitting promotion for Brother’s Day to be held August 11, that I — calendar geek that I am — quibbled over the choice of date. Well all of that vanished today, when I learned that the Widmers got both a state and City of Portland proclamation declaring August 11 to be Brother’s Day. That’s really all it takes to make a new holiday legitimate.
From the Oregon state proclamation, signed by Governor Theodore R. Kulongoski:
And the Portland proclamation, signed by Mayor Tom Potter, which has similar language, goes on to recognize Kurt and Rob Widmer, too: |
Whereas, the Widmer brothers, who are proud representatives of the state and its flourishing craft beer movement, seek to honor brothers everywhere by sponsoring this occasion;
Widmer Brothers’ website has a separate section set aside for Brother’s Day, where you can upload your photo and send an e-card to your bro. For every e-card sent, Kurt and Rob will donate a dollar to the Columbia Northwest chapter of Big Brothers and Big Sisters. So what are you waiting for, it’s a worthy cause and it’s free to you. Give your siblings some love.
Kurt and Rob Widmer in the early 1980s, from the cover of the most recent Beer Northwest.