When I was searching yesterday for images to use for my post about pull-tabs, I was surprised by how many websites there are devoted to finding other uses for the little aluminum pull-tabs, both the old-style ones and the more modern one-piece tabs. There are so many of these and they’re so inventive I thought I’d share a few of them. This is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s a whole world of DIY, recycling and craft people who are finding amazing ways to use the discarded pull-tabs. So here we are, from head to toe:
Here’s a kid’s hat and shirt, and there are lots more at the wonderfully named Art of Tabistry.
Here’s a woman’s top from Apocalypse Creations Chainmail in Canada, whose website is no longer available.
And a colorful vest by Tiffany, posted on Craftster.
How about a dress made entirely of pull-tabs? Here’s one posted at Recyclart.
And let’s not forget the shoes, shown at This Next.
Or if you want to be covered head to knee, here’s an entire suit of pull-tab armor, from Geekologie, but the website, http://www.geekologie.com/2009/12/impressive_kid_makes_beercan_t.php is currently been hacked and is showing as Malware.
And don’t forget to accessorize with this fetching purse, also from This Next.
In case you get tired wearing all that heavy metal, here’s a pull tab chair for you to sit down and rest made by Studio G.
I can’t say I’d actually wear any of them, but they impressive nonetheless. Enjoy.