With 41 days until Christmas, 42 including today, I thought it would be fun to work through all 42 labels from Anchor’s Christmas Ale — a.k.a. Our Special Ale — all different beers (well, mostly different) and all different labels, each one designed by local artist Jim Stitt, up to and including this year’s label.

Jim Stitt and Fritz Maytag in 1979.
1975 was the first year that Anchor made their Christmas Ale, and it was apparently based on another beer they’d released earlier the same year, Liberty Ale, with no spices added. This first label featured a very simple silhouette of a Christmas tree.
Looking forward to this. Just saw the 2016 edition for the first time on Saturday. Kind of an informal kick off to the holidays for me.
Toured the Anchor Steam brewery every Thanksgiving Eve for years. Met Fritz a few times and John Dannerbeck would keep an eye out for me and my Dad. Since their sale, booking the date became such a hassle I finally gave up last year.
Anyway, this is going to be fun to watch. Great idea.