Sunday’s ad is for Kingsbury Pale Beer, from I’m not sure when. The Kingsbury Breweries was founded in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, in either 1847 or 1883. In 1926, it was apparently sold to “the Manitowoc Products Company and was known as the Gutsch Brewery,” although they returned to the name “Kingsbury Breweries Company in 1933.” The Kingsbury Pale Beer was most likely a near beer, despite being called “the aristocrat of beers.”
My dad drank this by the case …returnable bottles
Amazing that a beer w/such an English-sounding name was brewed in Wisconsin!
I have one of these near-beer bottles with a poor quality label on it (ca 1933?) However, the label also has a swastika on it . Ever seen one like it?
this is a deswastikaed version of an ad and label.