Today is the birthday of Barbara Groom, co-founder of Lost Coast Brewing in Eureka, California. I first met Barbara when I was the beer buyer at BevMo in the mid-1990s and our paths have crossed on occasion ever since. She makes terrific beers and her brewery celebrated its 30th anniversary a few years back. Join me in wishing Barbara a very happy birthday.
Barbara in the brewery.
This is what Barbara was wearing when I first met her, back when she called on me at BevMo.
Thumbs up.
In the beginning.
[Note: All photos purloined from Facebook.]
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary Barbara. I know you’re trying but you can’t catch me! Alec
I got my brewing start with Barbara at Lost Coast in the mid 1990s. Happy Birthday Barbara!
I wonder if I should say how old she is….she might fire me (L.O.L.)
Have B-Day boss 🙂
Happy Birthday Barb!!!
When i can I wear the Downtown Brown costume?
Hi Barbara, Happy Birthday again! Again?
And a Happy Anniversary too! Twenty years! Good on ya!
Happy BIG birthday this year! The new sign on the side of the road displayed it very eloquently! Prost!