Today is the 56th birthday of Dann Paquette, who along with his wife Martha Holley-Paquette, founded the Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project. It was a fairly unique idea. They didn’t own a brewery but they didn’t contract brew either. They rented the brewery and Dann did all the work brewing the beer. Certainly other contract beers were similar, but I liked that Pretty Things makes such a point of the distinction that it’s essentially beyond reproach. Oh, and did I mention he made some of the best beers I’ve tasted? Unfortunately, they recently decided to wind up the business and stop brewing while they decide what the next chapter of their lives will be. From the several philosophical discussions I’ve had with Dann, I consider him a kindred spirit. Their newest project is in Sheffield, England, and is called The Brewery of St. Mars of the Desert. Join me in wishing Dann a very happy birthday.

Note: Last three photos purloined from both Dann and Martha’s Facebook pages.
Say Hello to Courtney Hite, your accountant. I met her at Galbreath’s Pub in Auckland NZ last March