Today is the 57th birthday of Jeff Alworth, blogger extraordinaire at Beervana. Despite annual trips to Portland, it was years until the first time Jeff and I met, although we’d been corresponding with one another for many years. We sat down for a pint or three at one of my favorite Portland watering holes, Hair of the Dog. Jeff is one of the most thoughtful, engaging beer writers, and his book, The Beer Bible has become the gold standard, and more recently released version 2.0. Join me in wishing Jeff a very happy birthday.
Jeff and Alan Sprints at Hair of the Dog Brewery.
Jeff and Stan Hieronymus at CBC in Portland a few years back.
Me and Jeff a few Augusts ago when he was in Marin County on his the first leg of his book tour for the Beer Bible.
Jeff and John Harris at Don Younger’s wake (photo by Lisa Morrison).
With Emily Sauter at the World Beer Awards judging in D.C. a few years ago.
Actually only 49! Any other year I’d let it go , but…