Today is the 72nd birthday of Italian beer writer Lorenzo Dabove, one of Europe’s most celebrated. I first met Lorenzo in San Diego over a decade ago, and have run into him here and again a few times since, most recently at the Craft Brewers Conference and the World Beer Cup three years ago in Denver, and annually at the Brussels Beer Challenge in Belgium. He’s a great voice for better beer everywhere, though especially his native Italy and Belgium. Join me in wishing Lorenzo a very happy birthday.
During World Beer Cup judging in Minneapolis two years back.
At a beer dinner at Lost Abbey in 2008. From left: Tomme Arthur (Lost Abbey), Lorenzo, Vinnie Cilurzo (Russian River), Sam Calagione (Dogfish Head), Adam Avery (Avery Brewing) and Rob Todd (Allagash).
Lorenzo at Salone del Gusto in 2006, with Claude and Jean-Pierre Van Roy from Cantillon.
Lorenzo and Michael Jackson judging together at a BA event.
Talking about Italian beer in Belgium, at the Brussels Beer Challenge awards a few years ago.
With the Italian contingent of judges for the Brussels Beer Challenge in 2014 (top row, 3rd from the left) .
Thank you so much!