Today is my 56th birthday, and even though it’s still early in the day, as in previous years I’ve again been overwhelmed by an embarrassment of friends and colleagues wishing me a happy day via e-mail, Twitter and Facebook. My sincere thanks to one and all. Since it’s usually me posting embarrassing photos of friends and colleagues, for the sixth year in almost a row (I think I skipped a year), here’s some more priceless artifacts of me from over the years.
Striking a pose for my two grandmothers in 1961.
When I was five, my Mom remarried. The reason I look so happy in this photo, or so the story goes, is that she just told me I wouldn’t be accompanying them on the honeymoon, and apparently I was not thrilled at this news.
Another birthday, this one a mere 45 years ago, when I turned 11.
Visiting Cooperstown, in front of the display for Lou Gehrig, my favorite old-time player, and rocking my Orioles windbreaker (big fan of Brooks Robinson and the Birds as a kid) and some super spiffy stripey slacks.
The playboy of the western world (at least in the mind of my 14-year old self).
In my room circa 1976, with our dog Devie wearing my headphones. I’m not sure what she was listening to.
Channeling Jay Gatsby.
High school graduation day with my Mom.
During our escape from the Bike Museum during a press trip to Belgium a couple of years ago. The photo was taken with my camera by Derek Buono from the Beer Magazine.
There’s many more where these came from, for a good laugh just check out the photos from the last five or so years at Beer Birthday Redux: Jay Brooks, Beer Birthday Again: Jay Brooks, Beer Birthday: Jay Brooks, Beer Birthday: J (Yes, Embarrasing Myself This Time) and Beer Birthday Overkill, from 2009, when I posted a bunch encompassing my first 50 years on planet beer. Oh, and thanks once again to everybody for the generous birthday wishes.
Happy birthday Jay! 1961! I still have the Mad Magazine from that year as it was an upside down year (reads the same either way). I was in the Air Force defending the skies over Spokane, Wash. I’ll bet you felt safer…
Cheers, Tom
Happy bday Jay!!!! Keep up the great work on your column and bulletin, always look forward to them. Have some great beers today!!! Cheers!
Allow me to joint the throng wishing you yet another happy birthday which I’ll celebrate by hoisting–& downing–a pint of locally brewed suds. Here’s to you!!!
Miles Jordan