Tuesday’s ad is a maritime ad complete with the signal flags ships use to communicate with one another. The ad is from 1960 and is for National Brewing, from Baltimore. Did you know the Chesapeake Bay area is the “Land of Pleasant Living?” Me neither. I also love the unusual glass, no doubt chosen so we could see more of the poster of flags through it. The bottom stem looks a bit like an upside down bottle neck, doesn’t it?
Beerman49 says
National Boh used the “land of pleasant living” tag for quite awhile in the 60’s; Chuck Thompson used it a lot on Oriole broadcasts.
Jess Kidden says
Maybe just coincidental, but perhaps it was a “Baltimore-centric” glass? I have the same shape from National’s crosstown (and, later, merger partner) logoed “Carling Black Label Beer – Baltimore, Maryland”