The brewpub chain BJs Restaurant Brewhouse is planning to put their newest location in Marin County, their first in the county and their 14th in Northern California. It’s a rumor I’ve been hearing for several months now, but a well-placed inside source has all but confirmed that it’s going to take place. The new location will be at the Northgate Mall in San Rafael, occupying the corner space that was formerly a Blockbuster Video store. It’s actually a good location, on a prominent corner that’s part of the main building but with no entrance from inside the mall. No word on whether the location will brew or be fed beer from a hub location. But since it’s not too close to another brewing location it’s entirely possible they will brew at the new Northgate location.
BJs operates 85 restaurants and brewpubs in fourteen states, with at least three more planned, not including the San Rafael location.
My little brother swears by their porter. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a beer at BJ’s.
Good deal! I was just discussing BJ’s with my west coast guy today. Apparently they will be expanding their Panasonic TV lineup including a 103″ in most locations.
J, been way too long for a visit out your way…..