Today in 1788, Georgia became the 4th state.
Georgia Breweries
- Atlanta Brewing
- Blue Ridge Brewery
- Blue Tarp Brewing
- Cannon Brewpub
- Copper Creek Brewing
- Five Seasons Brewing
- Max Lager’s Brewery
- Monday Night Brewing
- Moon River Brewing
- New River Brewing
- Old Savannah Brewing
- Park Tavern Brewpub
- Reformation Brewery
- Sweetwater Brewing
- Terrapin Beer Co.
- Texas Cattle Co.
- Twain’s Billiards & Tap
- Wild Heaven Craft Beers
- Wrecking Ball Brewpub
Georgia Brewery Guides
Guild: Georgia Brewers Guild [No website.]
State Agency: Georgia Alcohol and Tobacco Division
- Capital: Atlanta
- Largest Cities: Atlanta, August, Columbus, Savannah, Athens
- Population: 8,186,453; 10th
- Area: 59441 sq.mi., 24th
- Nickname: The Peach State
- Statehood: 4th, January 2, 1788
- Alcohol Legalized: May 23, 1935
- Number of Breweries: 22
- Rank: 23rd
- Beer Production: 5,596,058
- Production Rank: 10th
- Beer Per Capita: 16.4 Gallons
Package Mix:
- Bottles: 37.8%
- Cans: 55.6%
- Kegs: 6.5%
Beer Taxes:
- Per Gallon: $0.48
- Per Case: $1.08
- Tax Per Barrel (24/12 Case): $14.88
- Draught Tax Per Barrel (in Kegs): $10.00
Economic Impact (2008):
- From Brewing: $1,300,853,614
- Direct Impact: $2,699,329,013
- Supplier Impact: $2,293,594,311
- Induced Economic Impact: $1,398,800,452
- Total Impact: $6,391,723,776
Legal Restrictions:
- Control State: No
- Sale Hours: Hours of sale determined by county. No alcohol sales on Sunday (although restaurant/bar sales allowed). No alcohol sales on Christmas Day.
- Grocery Store Sales: Yes
- Notes: ABV > 14% ABV cap on beer
No Sunday off-premises salesIn general, one may not be drunk in public. Though there is no state law prohibiting drinking in public, most municipal corporations and political subdivisions limit the possession of open containers of alcohol to private property, with one notable exception being Savannah. Public drunkenness is only warranted when one is drunk in public and his acts are either loud or disorderly.
Data complied, in part, from the Beer Institute’s Brewer’s Almanac 2010, Beer Serves America, the Brewers Association, Wikipedia and my World Factbook. If you see I’m missing a brewery link, please be so kind as to drop me a note or simply comment on this post. Thanks.
For the remaining states, see Brewing Links: United States.