This morning Jonathan Surratt alerted me to a fun tool that Google has available, known as Google Trends Explore. You can use it to compare trends in virtually any search term and even topics (which is in beta). Jonathan was comparing “craft beer” to things like potato salad and mashed potatoes, but you can do all sorts of comparisons. So just for a bit of fun, I tried a few different ones. Most are comparing searches, but a few measure topics. Five is the most comparisons you can do at one time, but that still allows for some interesting pairings. In each case, the charts show the trends from 2004 through the present, which is over ten years of data.
First, here’s the difference between craft beer vs. beer. Just beer is beating the pants off modified beer. Good.
Here’s Craft Beer, Beer and Wine compared. Wine is leaving us in the dust.
And here’s just beer and wine. But it’s not that far apart and we are gaining on them.
And this is beer vs. wine, but by topic instead of by searches. By topic it’s closer still, and we’ve even come up on top a few times closer to the present.
Here’s beer compared to four popular spirits. Vodka, not surprisingly, is leading the tightly packed spirits, but beer is besting all of them pretty handily.
And here’s five of the most popular beer brands.
This is the same five beer brands but by topic.
Why do you think Sierra Nevada has those peaks? Are they summer peaks? Related to some seasonal release?