The beer cook, Lucy Saunders, published a great book five years ago called Grilling with Beer. I must confess I’m a little biased, because I contributed a short chapter to it on Oyster BBQ. The book is now out of print, though there’s still great demand for it. So Lucy’s planning on “putting together new chapters and recipes for [her] cookbook, GRILLING WITH BEER: bastes, barbecue sauces, mops, marinades and more made with craft beer.”
She’s using Kickstarter to raise the $28,000 she needs “to pay for the printing for the 224-page color cookbook (using recycled paper and eco-inks). Everyone who funds will be acknowledged on the website — and larger funders can get even more cookbooks, plus assorted goodies such as tastings and cooking demonstrations. Eventually, the cookbook will be sold (suggested price will be $21.95) where craft beer is sold!”
While you can pledge any amount on Kickstarter, pledge just $25 and get a copy of the book autographed by Lucy, a t-shirt and 5 recipe postcards. Such a deal! Whether you have a copy of the original book or not, here’s a great opportunity to get the new version and help out a very worthwhile project to get Lucy’s book back in print.
beerman49 says
Jay – I & some of my San Andreas Malts compadres are in the original (thanx to your article on our oyster BBQ); I’ll surely kick in for the update. Our next one is Sat 4/23 – we switched from our usual last Sun because my grillmate “Chuck the Czech” Cihak(who does the pesto mentioned in the book) has Easter commitments. Come on down to check out my recent addition of Asian to the sauce mix (it’s Yoshida’s goosed with garlic & a little heat).
BTW, I (& probably many of the frequent commenters) would appreciate it if you’d have your webmeister move the CAPTCHA code blocks ABOVE the “Submit” button, or just below “Leave a Comment” – either option is better than what we see now.