A little over a month ago, I stopped by Lagunitas Brewing in Petaluma, California to see how the installation of the new brewhouse was going and took some photographs of the new equipment. I had an opportunity earlier today to stop by again on my way back from an impromptu trip to Russian River Brewing with my good friend Pete Slosberg (but more on that tomorrow). Pete had never been to Lagunitas, whereas I have been there many, many times, so I figured a quick detour to see the brewery was in order. They’re about a week away from the first water test and it looks far closer to completion than my last visit.
The new kettle door adorned with an etching of one of the brewery logos.
All of the pipes are now attached, which includes seven miles of wiring.
Owner Tony Magee shows off the new hop dosers to Pete.
Hello J @
we sure do enjoy your visits to Lagunitas and your writing about them , ecpecially your first one when you have seen our brew house in the early stage of installation. We got a good laugh out from “who thought the germans don’t have any humor”. We indeed have fun at work and it looks like you have it also. Tony himself had lots of fun also when he in his wife Carrissa inspected the equipment prior to shipping here in Germany. Thanks for your write ups. I hope I have a chance to meet you at some point in person.