I heard a rumor last week — almost forgot about it — that the Liar’s Club, which is now located in Alpine, California (east of San Diego, about 25 minutes) has closed. After being one of San Diego’s best beer bars for years, owner Louis Mello decided to move it from it’s beach side Mission Boulevard location to the nearby suburb of Alpine (where he lives) around this time last year. I’d heard business had not returned to pre-move levels and with the economy tanking I imagine things never improved, assuming the rumor is correct. I hope it’s — pun intended — a lie, but I it heard from a fairly reliable source. Bummer.
The new Liar’s Club location in Alpine. If anyone can confirm or refute the rumor, please let me know.
I posted this in reply to your twitter feed, but in case you don’t see it there; Rick from DRAFT Magazine mentioned that he had talked to both Greg Koch and Tomme Arthur about the closure.
Thanks for that. I was 99% sure, but since I wasn’t 100%, I called it a rumor.
Sad news. The original location was one of the highlights of my trip to San Diego a couple of years ago.
Sad indeed. Haven’t confirmed it with mine own eyes. The original Liars Club in PB was owned by Louis Mello. He partnered with Al Guera on the move to Alpine.
I hate the idea of any beer bar closing, but really, why the move to Alpine? To be closer to home? But at what cost…
Mission Blvd. is a far better location to weather the recession storm. And nothing is better than savoring a beer while listening to waves crash. I used to love going to the Liars Club when I worked at RJ’s Diner (now Funhouse Tattoo.)
Alas, it does appear to be true. Their phone is disconnected. Like Greg Clow (above), the old Liars Club was a highlight of our annual beer tasting trip to San Diego. We stayed at a hotel virtually next door and really enjoyed Sunday nites there, when it was not too crowded. We would leisurely work our way thru the beer list and spend time talking about the beers with the bartenders and sometime, Lewis. We did visit the Alpine location last January which gave us an excuse to drive out to Alpine and visit Alpine Brewery down road from L.C. The LC was nice and Lewis was working very hard serving food in the “dining room.” Will always remember it as the place I had my 1st Duchesse on draft.