It’s been brewing for a few weeks. I’ve been having conversations, discussing ideas and thinking about the future. And now it’s arrived … or almost. Beginning on Wednesday, April 15, I’ll be taking over Bill Brand’s old column and the Bottoms Up Blog. I’ll be writing a column for the Oakland Tribune newspaper which will appear every other Wednesday, and hopefully will get picked up by a least some of the news group’s 60 other papers. The first one will appear next Wednesday, and is more of an introduction for newspaper readers of who I am, information you no doubt already possess. After that, the columns will be all about the beer.
I’ll be taking a different approach to the Bottom’s Up Blog, inviting other Bay Area Beer Bloggers and even the occasional brewer to contribute to it in an effort to make it a true beer community blog. And in order to impose some order out of the chaos that news is, I’ll be running some regular items on the same day of the week and four monthly features, as well, though three of those will be guest-written. I’m still not sure about Bill’s weekly e-mail pdf that he sent every Wednesday. We’re still trying to figure out where that list is. If there’s enough interest, we may have to rebuild it from scratch.
The Brookston Beer Bulletin will remain largely unchanged, I’ll keep writing it as before. There shouldn’t be too much overlap. The Bottom’s Up Blog will be all consumer-oriented and the Bulletin will remain beer industry focused. On Bottoms Up, I’ll only opine about the beer, on the Bulletin I’ll continue to rant about everything else. There’s still a few more things to do to get ready for the launch. I’m having new head shots taken today and I still have to write a short biography for the website.
I’m very pleased that Bill’s column will continue — though under a new name — it’s an important legacy that at least some newspapers are willing to embrace craft and better imported beer. But I confess I’m a little nervous at the prospect of filling Bill’s shoes. He meant a lot to a great many people — myself included — and despite the fact that I’ve been writing about beer for almost twenty years and been fairly involved in the Bay Area scene for quite some time, I’ll still be the new kid for many mainstream newspaper readers. But, as the saying goes, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” It was also an opportunity to reach a much wider audience, and one I didn’t feel I could pass up. So I’m as excited as I am nervous, a curious mix of butterflies clenching in my stomach but filled with possibilities, like the feeling you get just before you go on stage. But, hopefully, I’m ready for my close up. I hope you’ll read me there, as well as here.
Congrats Jay! You’ll be great!
Congratulations on the new gig! I always enjoy your writing and expect others to also.
Jay…I agree. It’s an honor to have been selected to carry on Bill’s work in the Oakland Tribune and their other publications. I think you’re the right one for the job and I look forward to following that new side as I have been following the BBB.
Congratulations Jay. I am glad to hear that a man who spoke so highly of Bill will be writing in his stead. Cheers.
Excellent news, Jay! You are the perfect choice and the legacy of Bill will continue…all for the good
Congrats, I am confident the column is in good hands!
Congratulations! It will be great to read your column and wit your respect to Bill, we know you will continue the beer education.
Simply put, the right man for the job. It’s great that you will have an opportunity to expand your audience. As a craft beer fan for over 25 years, I am pleased that my two favorite beer writers will now have written the same great column. Craft beer drinkers that are newspaper readers are certainly in good hands again. Congratulations Jay! Cheers!
Congratulations to you. I would that every paper would pick the articles up. It’s time for beer to get the credit it deserves and I hope you can be a big part of that. Although, I am a bit jealous.
Wow, most excellent news J. You and Bill were always my “good morning, what’s up, go to guys” and since Bill’s passing I have felt only half way there each morning. I will be raising an Easter toast later to celebrate.
Congratulations, Jay! While I still have that Pizza Beer for you, I think finding something else on tap would be a more appropriate beer with which to toast.
Congratulations, Jay, this is great news! I can’t think of anyone better suited for this gig.
Excellent news. Bill would have approved.
Congrats Jay! Good for you and good for Bay Area beer!
Jay, this is such lovely news.
I’m delighted!
I know how much you liked and respected and admired Bill Brand, so it must be a bittersweet moment, too.
Big congrats, Jay!
Congratulations Jay! You’ll be great. I’m sure Bill would have been very proud to see you pick this up.
My congrats to you as well, Jay! Bill will be missed in many ways, so I’m very glad to see this outlet will continue with a new voice. Cheers!
Congrats Jay! – right guy at the right time…
Add my name to the pile of congratulations. Nice to see What’s on Tap will still live on.
They “tapped” a great person to carry the torch. I am thrilled for you. Congrats, Jay!
Congrats Jay, that’s awesome!!!!
J: An excellent choice on the part of the Oak Trib. Keep that good beer news coming!
Wow – congrats Jay – can’t wait to start reading the blog again and the paper on Wednesdays!
Awesome for you Jay! They got the right person for the job! Congrats!
Recommendation from a veteran newspaper guy: To get rid of butterflies, read all 26 comments above mine again. If we have that much confidence in you, it has to rub off and get you a little bit pumped up. Newsprint is just another medium — one you know well already and an old-fashioned one at that. I hope you’ll find it fun. Cheers!
Excellent news Jay! I didn’t know Bill, or read the Bottoms Up blog, but I defiantly look forward to checking it out now. Cheers. Drew
Great News, congratulations. I have so missed Bottoms Up each Wed. Looking forward to it again.
Congratulations Jay.
Great great news Jay. You are the man for this gig. I couldn’t be more pleased to see Bill’s column carry on with you as its captain. And let’s not forget that this is also brilliant on the part of the Trib. I’m glad they saw the need for this legacy to continue.
I heartily agree with that other Greg, the one with one fewer “g” who brews in San Diego County. Bill Brand left big shoes to fill but, when the topic is beer, Jay Brooks has big-ass feet.