The picturesque location on San Francisco’s Embarcadero of the former HillS Brothers Coffee building is home to the third Gordon Biersch brewpub, which opened originally in 1992. According to Inside Scoop SF, as of the end of April, that will no longer be the case. (And thanks to Pete S. for sending me the link.) Apparently the twenty-year lease expires April 28, and the landlord and Gordon Biersch have been unable to reach an agreement. Gordon Biersch is currently scouting for a new location nearby. So you’ve got a little over six weeks if you want to pay the brewpub one last visit.
I don’t think too many people will be shedding tears beyond the “chick beer” drinkers – when I plan to eat & drink before a Giants’ game, I go early to 21st Amendment – better beer & cheaper food. The only “every day” Biersch beer I’ll drink is their Marzen; Trumer Pils is far better than any of their “lawnmower” beers.
But it is somewhat of a shame that they’re having the same kind of “greedy landlord” problem as the Gold Dust Saloon on Powell St.
I loved this picturesque location with the view of the bridge. It was a great stop for SF visitors to take in a brew and a view. The building has history too, making it a good tourist stop. I have always found Gordon Biersch beers to be solid and very well made. No, they may not be at the top of a beer geek’s list, but they are great beers for wine country tourists to enjoy while staying in San Francisco. I hope the brewery finds another cool location.
The only brewpub in the world with a direct train to AT&T Park right outside the door. That and a fantastic view of the bay have made it a great beer stop on a warm afternoon.
I’m more of a 21st Amendment guy on game days too, but here’s hoping GBSF finds a new home, for at least another 20 seasons.