The November 2011 standings have just been released for Wikio’s Beer Blogs. Beervana increased his streak at the top to three consecutive months, with the rest of the Top 10 shuffling around. Here’s what happened to the Top 20 over last month:
Wikio November 2011 Beer Blog Rankings
1 | Beervana (=) |
2 | Brookston Beer Bulletin (+2) |
3 | Brewpublic (+4) |
4 | A Good Beer Blog (+10) |
5 | Appellation Beer: Beer From a Good Home (-2) |
6 | The New School (-4) |
7 | Drink With The Wench (-1) |
8 | It’s Pub Night (+4) |
9 | Washington Beer Blog (-4) |
10 | Top Fermented (Not in Top 20 in October) |
11 | Hoosier Beer Geek (-3) |
12 | Seattle Beer News (Not in Top 20 in October) |
13 | Yours For Good Fermentables (Not in Top 20 in October) |
14 | Oakshire Brewing (Not in Top 20 in October) |
15 | KC Beer Blog (+4) |
16 | San Diego Beer Blog (+4) |
17 | Road Trips for Beer (-6) |
18 | Seen Through a Glass (=) |
19 | The Brew Site (-4) |
20 | Beer PHXation (-4) |
Ranking made by Wikio
As usual, I included the relative movements of each blog from last month. Four new blogs emerged in the Top 20 that weren’t there last month, which is exactly what happened last month. Otherwise, there were a number of moderate swings, with movement 4 or 6 places being the most common. As always, I continue to stress that this is just a bit of fun and that we shouldn’t take it too seriously. Until the final month of 2011 ….
Apart from Alan, whose blog obviously became popular with the OBC posts.
“…became popular…”?!?!
Surely “enhanced his popularity” or maybe “was finally more widely recognized”…
i only count your popularity as from when I started to read it 😉
So do I!!!
I still don’t completely understand these rankings, but thanks Jay for posting them and keeping us all in the loop.
Now question: does frequency of content or site traffic work into these rankings? Or is in just an algorithm based on links, cross links etc?
“The position of a blog in the Wikio ranking depends on the number and weight of the incoming links from other blogs. These links are dynamic, which means that they are backlinks or links found within articles.
Only links found in the RSS feed are included. Blogrolls are not taken into account, and the weight of any given link increases according to how recently it was published. We thus hope to provide a classification that is more representative of the current influence levels of the blogs therein.
Moreover, the weight of a link depends on the linking blog’s position in the Wikio ranking. With our algorithm, the weight of a link from a blog that is more highly ranked is greater than that of a link from a blog that is less well ranked.
The rankings are updated on a monthly basis.
Since 2010, a blog’s position in the ranking is also determined by the amount of retweets. For each twitter account that is redirecting to a blog we count one retweet per month.”
It’s not clear if the counter is set at zero each month, but considering it’s possible to move upwards of 40 places in a given month, some sort of reset must be happening, or we’re all very close together in ranking, which means that small shifts in data mean huge ranking shifts.
The ranking of re-tweets is kind of weak, IMO (though probably why I’m in the Top 10) because it’s manipulable data (Please RT!) and it’s an unverified source. It could be spam bots retweeting – happens all the time – but that still counts as a vote.
I mean – it’s all silliness, anyway. You can’t automatically rate quality, only quantity.