Today’s infographic tackles the recently controversial debate about Craft Beer versus Crafty Beer, beer created by the larger beer companies to resemble smaller brands. It was created by M. Saurer Creative for Northland Beer.
Click here to see the infographic full size.
Yuengling, Straub and the contract brewer Narragansett are owned by “Anheuser Bush, Miller Coors In Bev (sic)” and brew over 6 million barrels a year?
Yuengling is still owned by the Yuengling family. And doesn’t Duvel Moortgat own Ommegang? Or do they not count because they actually still make good beer.
Agreed, whoever made this graphic has no idea what they’re talking about… Anheuser-Busch is owned by InBev, and MillerCoors is a non-owning entity created by MolsonCoors and SABMiller. None of theses entities have anything to do with D.G. Yuengling & Son or Straub Brewing. On top of that, Yuengling, Straub, Corona and Rolling Rock have never posed themselves as “Craft” Beer.
And InBev bought AB what’s your point??
While controversial, the rule about adjunct ingredients is what puts these three out of the “craft” category according to the Brewers Association. Also, Straub ‘s CEO has admitted they are not craft ( ).
What about ‘adjuncts’ like rye, or coffee, or cocoa nibs?
Adjuncts are used to help or complete fermentation because they contain fermentable sugars. additives like cocoa nibs, coffee, spices aren’t adjuncts because they do not contain fermentable sugars.
Having Yuengling on the right is a little mis-leading; maybe they should be in the middle. I believe they produce less than 6 billion bbls and they are family owned still. Not craft beer for sure. But not a mega brewery owned by AB or InBev also.
Yeungling and Straub are NOT owned by Inbev or any body else. They are family owned still to this date.
Oops like some old info on this. Or are you going to add Boston Beer Company to the crafty side?
I’d describe Boston Brewing as “craft turned crafty”, given their mega-advertising the last few yrs – who knows how many “sugar daddy” investors Koch has. Goose Island was “craft” until ABI bought them out last yr (they’d had a distribution deal w/A-B before InBev bought A-B). These days, all I’ve seen of GI brew in the SF area where I live & in places I’ve traveled to is Honker’s Ale & 312 in bottles/on tap; mid-late 90’s I could get 12-pack assortments of GI occasionally @ Trader Joe’s (before the “gray market” crackdowns – spurred, no doubt, by the tier-system profiteers).
And when I’m in bars back east where the only reasonable draft options are Yuengling or Boston Lager, I opt for the former, as it’s cheaper & tastes better! Full disclosure: I’ve boycotted BBC brews ever since its pretentious twit owner started his “I brew the best beer in America” TV & radio ads)..
I have to say I’m quite disappointed by this graphic too.
Yuengling may not be “craft” but their porter is what got beer lovers of my age through the late 80s and early 90s when there was little else. Sure they have gotten huge but to my knowledge they have never stopped being a family owned business.
The omission of Sam Adams is “interesting” and would seem convenient for the creator. Sam Adams has been big and market focused for years but the truth is they do care about beer, are great brewers, and are doing some very innovative stuff. They are the real deal.
Yuengling isn’t a poser, it’s been surviving prohibition, it’s the same as it was before the craft boom and it’s not pretending to be anything it isn’t… I think this info graphic is a poser.
Who cares who is considered craft or not… all that matters is how the beer tastes for the consumer. I am not going to buy a beer to support ‘the little guy’ if I don’t like it as much as a commercial one. Obviously, most of the world prefers Bud… something I can’t stand, but I recognize I am the minority. Regardless of ownership the Goose Island label has a couple of my favorite beers, that have been around before the take-over. As long as they remain tasting good I will by them.
The right side states they have deceptive advertising.. I would also call this very chart deceptive. Trying to influence people on how many barrels are produced vs. what tastes good to them. If you like it, buy it.
When did Magic Hat become “crafty”? Thought they were still independent.
Magic Hat – by then part of a merged company that also included Pyramid and MacTarnahan’s known collectively as “Independent Brewers United” – was bought by North American Breweries (aka Genesee + US Labatt importer) in 2010.
lists like this craft beer a bad name. so what your saying is that any of these that don’t have profit first would not up production if more people drank them? and if is not about profit why do I have to pay 10 bucks a 6 pack when I want to try a new beer? I am not a beer snob and happen to enjoy Yuengling when I can get it. why is Narragansett even on this list? I worked at the falstaff plant years ago when they made it and stuck the nasty gansett label on it. when did rolling rock and corona become craft beers? this chart is a complete joke.
I dont agree with some of this…but thats just my opinion…I think if they put love into the brew and it doesnt taste like every other big beer out there amd they took their time to brew it n such then its craft beer. Somebody had to pick through those ingreddients to make that beer taste like it does. All the big breweries just use machines amd shit ass hops n grains….but craft brewers like goose island and pyramid still make unordinary beers that SOMEBODY had to hand craft to perfection!
I agree about the “convenience” of omitting Sam Adams. Despite the marketing, I think the attention they pay to quality beers merits the label of “craft” not “crafty.” (Well, maybe except the Cherry Wheat.) Putting them on either side would spark controversy.
Duvel Moortgat is big, they brew with adjuncts (lots of sugar in Duvel), and they own Ommegang. I wonder where the BA places Ommegang. Just about anything you say about GI could be said about Ommegang. The only reason GI is no longer “craft” is because of ownership. I am still seeing Matilda, Lolita and Pepe Nero in my area (VA). After the sale is complete, where will Boulevard fall as a brewery being owned by a big guy?