As reported in England’s Telegraph, a new Spanish study has concluded that the best thing you can drink after playing vigorous sports is not Gatorade, but beer. Specifically, the study found that for the dehydrated person, beer helps retain liquid better than water. Wow, finally a good reason to work out.
Now this is good stuff. It just so happens one of my favourite Fullers pubs, the Artillery Arms, is about 20 yards from the front door of my gym… and London Porter is about to come on as a seasonal cask beer for the next month.
I’m going to start going to the gym every day, then rewarding myself.
This is brilliant – a health study related to beer that could *improve* my life.
So if I lose 50 of my 300 pounds by working out, I will gain 50 by replenishing and rewarding myself with beer. It reminds me of our Iraq exit strategy.