I spoke to Steve Altimari, former brewer with Valley Brewing in Stockton, who’s vacationing in his home town near Ithaca, New York, with his family. Naturally, I asked about what went down at the brewery and why he was out of a job. Having known Steve for a number of years, I was well aware that the family-owned company had its share of drama and that they hardly knew what a talented brewer they had in Steve. Here’s what he was able to tell me.
About a month ago, he heard from the owner, Kelly Jacobs, that she wanted to sell the brewery and gave Steve a price if he was interested. So Steve went to work, found partners and investors in short order and made an offer based on his earlier conversation with Jacobs. No dice. The price was now inexplicably higher. They tried again with higher offers, but each time the owners kept raising the price. Then they fired John, their only salesman. Last Thursday, they tried one last offer, which met with the same frustrating negative response. On Friday, the day before Steve was scheduled to take a family vacation, he asked for explanation. He was told they “decided on another offer, and they don’t need you. Thanks, but get out.” In less than two hours he was locked out of the brewery that he helped build for the past fourteen years.
I never expected that the owners were warm and fuzzy people, but that takes ingratitude to a whole new level. None of the family members know the slightest thing about brewing and if not for the Herculean efforts of Steve, no one would have ever heard of their brewery. I realize it’s unfair to place any of the blame on the new owners — whoever they may be — but it’s going to be difficult for anybody to come in and fill his shoes.
On the plus side, the partners and investors are sticking with Steve and the plans now have shifted to acquiring or building a brewery somewhere in the Bay Area. Apparently, the financing is already in place, so we may not be without beer brewed by Steve Altimari for long.
Steve will be hard at it when he returns from vacation next week, and the first order of business is coming up with a new brewery name. I suggested something that’s the opposite of a valley, like a mountain peak, which is why the icon above is of Mt. Everest. Then perhaps Altimari Brewery could work; it means “high water.” Let’s wish him the best of luck. What brewery name suggestions do you have for Steve’s new venture?
A very happy Steve at the Falling Rock Taphouse in Denver, after winning two medals at the 2009 Great American Beer Festival.
hopefully steve will come back from NY and not get scooped up by Captain Lawrence er another great Nor’East brewery!
Some things happen for a reason: A 14 year veteran, 2 time GABF brewer is now poised to create great beer somewhere else. Steve, consider it a gift.
Steve’s talent and the name “Valley Brew” were the best two assets this company had. I’ve heard rumors they’re probably dropping the name too. If that turns out to be true, they’re 0-2 for good business decisions in my book.
Steve’s not only on the short list for best brewers in America but he’s also quite simply a genuinely good person and a hell of a great guy. I doubt his brewing boots will get too dusty.
High Water Brewing is the obvious choice – if it’s not taken.
How about:
Valley Brew Can Kiss My Ass Brewing Company
By the way, if he’s looking for a place in the Bay Area — Pepsi built a new bottling plant because the quality of the water there is so good. Plenty of available space around there, too, for cheap.
Sure, a Hayward mailing address doesn’t have the panache of San Francisco or Berkeley — but that has zero impact on the product.
Knock Knock… Tick Tock
Stockton door slams shut THIS door’s WIDE open>
btw, water like Bull Run Watershed and Port of Montreal 2h away for EUexport
let’s talk, steve and/or come on up SAT before going back to the 2009 Forbes most miserable city.
“altimari,” my latin is rusty but I think it actually means, “sailor” or “a denizen of the high seas.” the potential for yanking a name from that is high, especially in the land of America’s Barbary Coast. Good luck to Steve whatever he calls his new place.
Keeping in line with the decadence series of beers, I think Decadence Brewing has a nice ring to it.
Valley Brew was the only good thing about Stockton as far as I’m concerned. Good luck Steve. A great brewer in a dismal city, he will be a a great addition to Bay Area. Can’t wait!
I’m from Stockton and the only thing that keeps people going to Valley Brew is their beer. The services sucks. That’s unfortunate that another business will come crashing down in Stockton. They’re going to be left with nothing but chain restaurants.
I second that this is a gift to Steve! After being fired from a horrible brewing job, I vowed never to work for assholes ever again… (a promise I heartily recommend for everyone!) and life was instantly better!
Best wishes to you, Steve! I can’t wait to taste what beers you will be inspired to make when you are free from anti-supportive owners.
I second the name High Water for many reasons…
Downtown San Jose Brewing Company has a nice ring to it.
Or, set up in the vacated SJ Tied House and call it High Tide Brewery. There’s your high water reference.
High Water Hop Riot IPA is excellent, I would say one of the 10 best in that style (not counting Imperial IPAs).