Thursday’s ad is again for Schlitz, from 1958 (though parts of it are from previous years). Actually, it’s an advertising piece — a pamphlet or brochure — from their wonderful ad campaign, one of my all-time favorites, Schlitzerland. This piece, entitled “Schlitzerland, U.S.A., or how to entertain Schlitzfriends,” gives advice, along with songs, or how to throw various types of parties successfully. This is pages six and seven, with the third song, “This is the Life,” sung to the tune of “Here We Go Gathering Nuts in May.” The headline is “Give a Schlitzwarming for friends, or Schlitzing makes a house a home” and by this point in the brochure they’re really laying on the Schlitzerisms thick and heavy. Excuse me, Schlitzthick and Schlitzheavy.