Friday’s ad is for Busch Extra Dry, a ginger ale that Anheuser-Busch produced, presumably during prohibition (though possibly not, there is a bottle of Budweiser inset at the bottom of the ad, but I can’t quite make out the text). With the tagline Chambertin [a French red wine] held Napoleon, when Josephine couldn’t, I”m not quite sure how that relates to a ginger ale. If it was champagne, maybe since both a very bubbly and effervescent. Still, it’s interesting to see A-B advertising a soft drink under their label.
It appears, based on what I just viewed @ a Flickr page on old A-B advertising, that this was a prohibition-era product. They made another one during those years – “Grape Bouquet”, which I presume is the bottle shown at the bottom of the ad Jay posted. Here’s the link:
I can make our “And at ???? – Drink ????? BEER for heath and nurishment. BUDWEISER & BUSCH beer with food and food tastes better with BUDWEISER”. That doesn’t make total sense so I’m probably a little off.
This leads me to suspect beer was legal at the time of this ad. It would appear AB was trying to leverage it’s investment in the most advanced bottling plant in the world by all selling a super premium soda that was foil wrapped and sipped from champagne glasses.