Monday’s ad is entitled Seattle — “Planning The New Rig,” and the illustration was done in 1951 by Douglass Crockwell. It’s #58 in a series entitled “Home Life in America,” also known as the Beer Belongs series of ads that the United States Brewers Foundation ran from 1945 to 1956. In this ad, similar to the one titled “St. Louis,” a home overlooking the water with boats in the distance is entertaining guests. The man of the house is showing off his plans for his own boast that he hopes one day to be sailing in Puget Sound. Behind him, his wife is holding his captain’s jacket — I think — or perhaps it’s one of the guests. Either way, she seems to be looking at it in astonishment. The man in the captain’s hat is smiling, grinning really, but the women seem to view the jacket with more of a “what the hell are you thinking” vibe.