Thursday’s ad is for Tuborg, from the 1950s or 1970s. From the late 1800s until the 1970s, poster art really came into its own, and in Europe a lot of really cool posters, many of them for breweries, were produced. I’ve been posting vintage European posters all year, and for the remainder of December will feature holiday-themed posters of all ages. “Tuborg is a Danish brewing company founded in 1873 on a harbour in Hellerup, an area North of Copenhagen, Denmark. Since 1970 it has been part of the Carlsberg Group.” This poster is by Danish cartoonist, writer, animator, illustrator, painter, and humorist Robert Storm Petersen, who signed his work “Storm P.” The ad used an earlier cartoon by Storm P. since he died in 1949. The text reads. “Du Perikles — Ka’ Du Sige mig — hvornaar smager en Tuborg bedst?” and the reply is “Hvergang!” That translates as “You Pericles — Can You Tell Me — When Does a Tuborg Taste Best?” And his answer? “Everytime!”

Below is a version of the original illustration without the Tuborg logo added. I don’t know if the text was added to suit the ad or if it was part of the original, too.