Monday’s ad is for Tuborg, from 1985. From the late 1800s until the 1980s, poster art really came into its own, and in Europe a lot of really cool posters, many of them for breweries, were produced. I’ve been posting vintage European posters all year, and for the remainder of December will feature holiday-themed posters of all ages. “Tuborg is a Danish brewing company founded in 1873 on a harbour in Hellerup, an area North of Copenhagen, Denmark. Since 1970 it has been part of the Carlsberg Group.” This is the first in a series of minimalist posters created that year by Wibroe & Partners (now Wibroe, Duckert & Partners) using just green and white that was popular enough that 35 years later they’re still doing Tuborg’s advertising. The text on the bottom of all of the poster reads “Hvad er det … der gør livet lidt grønnere?,” which Google translates as “What is it … that makes life a little greener?”