The California Small Brewers Association will be holding their bi-annual General Meeting Tuesday, May 19th at the Karl Strauss Brewery in San Diego, at the production facility at 5985 Santa Fe St., which is near the airport. The meeting is open to any and all craft brewers in California, whether you’re a member or not. Though if you’re not a member, I would urge you to consider joining. Sure, yeah, I know — money’s tight — but can you really afford not to be a member of an organization who’s looking out for your interests? Anyway, climbing down off my soap box. Come down and see what the CSBA is all about. Here’s a summary of what will be going on at the meeting:
The CSBA has lined up a great speaker lined with a very relevant topic: Marketing craft beer to women will be the topic presented by Ginger Johnson. This is NOT just about “selling” to women. Ginger talks in depth about how subtle enhancements to your tasting room, brewery tours, brewpub restaurants, brand graphics and your brand “message” can better embrace the woman consumer. This information is immediately useable and valuable for breweries and brewpubs of all sizes. As we grow our businesses, we compete with major beer brands, wine, spirits – and each other. But 50% of the drinking population is still almost untouched when it comes to beer: women. Please RSVP by this Friday if you plan to attend. Email to RSVP, and you must RSVP to attend.
Meeting Schedule:
- 12:00-1:00 – Lunch ($10 members/$20 non-members)
- 1:00-1:30 – Association Update with Tom McCormick, executive director CSBA
- 1:30-2:15 – Legislative and Tax Threat Update by Chris Walker, lobbyist, CSBA
- 2:15-2:30 – Break
- 2:30-2:45 – “I am a Craft Brewer” Video Update by Greg Koch. Greg will give a brief update on the craft beer video “seen round the world.” Greg will let us know how many “views” the video has had and the future of this craft beer marketing piece.
- 2:45-4:15 – Women Enjoying Beer by Ginger Johnson. Ginger will talk about authentically and accurately marketing craft beer to women. Not just “selling” to women, but how subtle enhancements to your tasting room, brewery tours, brewpub restaurants, brand graphics and your brand “message” can better embrace the woman consumer. This information is immediately usable and valuable for breweries and brewpubs of all sizes.
- 4:30-6:00 – Beer Social (tours of the new bottling line and brewery expansion). Stick around and mingle with our sponsors and fellow brewers. Tour the new bottling line and brewery expansion.
I did enjoy this post – thanks Jay! And would be glad to buy you the next pint…or two. Best, Ginger