Only a 3-gal batch at best – what was the “expert” thinking? An LMAO moment for serious homebrewers – I hope Jay posted that for grins from his fans.
Thanks for posting this Jay – great to see love for my local shop. A little confused about Beerman’s “LMAO moment,” though obviously humor is as subjective as taste. John really is an expert – the Yeast Class he teaches is awesome – and the 3-gal batch is actually pretty cool. My buddy and I do it sometimes too: can do a full boil in the same size pot, rather than add more water to top up to 5-gal after cooling (which goes quicker too). And in a smaller bucket, storage is easier, which is super helpful for those of us in tiny Brooklyn/NYC apartments. It’s helped us brew more often, even if we don’t get as much beer (which, also means the batch-size is great for trying off-the-wall experiments and for beginners, who I believe are the target audience for The Daily vid). Just another example of the ingenuity and drive to make your own rules that to me are the cornerstone of the hobby. Cheers!
Only a 3-gal batch at best – what was the “expert” thinking? An LMAO moment for serious homebrewers – I hope Jay posted that for grins from his fans.
Thanks for posting this Jay – great to see love for my local shop. A little confused about Beerman’s “LMAO moment,” though obviously humor is as subjective as taste. John really is an expert – the Yeast Class he teaches is awesome – and the 3-gal batch is actually pretty cool. My buddy and I do it sometimes too: can do a full boil in the same size pot, rather than add more water to top up to 5-gal after cooling (which goes quicker too). And in a smaller bucket, storage is easier, which is super helpful for those of us in tiny Brooklyn/NYC apartments. It’s helped us brew more often, even if we don’t get as much beer (which, also means the batch-size is great for trying off-the-wall experiments and for beginners, who I believe are the target audience for The Daily vid). Just another example of the ingenuity and drive to make your own rules that to me are the cornerstone of the hobby. Cheers!