It was an evening of music, poetry, rapping and fun topped off with great food and beer at the “Wanna Git My Eastern Peanut Butter In Yer Western Chocolate” beer dinner, a.k.a. an East vs. West Slam with Dogfish Head and 21st Amendment. In between five courses, Sam Calagione and Shaun O’Sullivan took turns humorously dissing each others’ coast and the beers from each. I’m kicking myself that none of us recorded any of it on video. It was hilarious. A great evening of merriment.
Sam Calagione, dressed as a west coaster and Shaun O’Sullivan trying to look respectfully eastern.
For more photos from the East vs. West Slam Dinner with San Calagione and Shaun O’Sullivan, visit the photo gallery.
Hey Jay – I got a few videos of the event – not great lighting but the sound is good – I will try to get them up soon. It was a wonderful event (and damn funny too).
and here are some of those videos: