Today’s infographic concerns Global Beer Consumption Statistics. The chart was created by 1001 Beer Steins.
You can see the infographic full size by clicking here.
Best sellers’ Top 10 list contains only 9 … what startled me is that Bud Light is outselling Miller Lite close to 3-1 $-wise (vol #’s may tell a different story, but I doubt if the vol ratios would go below 2-1). Bud advertises more these days than Miller, but maybe those who prefer the low-cal shit have discovered that Bud Light has far more hop taste than Miller Lite (“triple hopped” as their recent ads promoted = 1 cone, or the liquid equivalent thereof). Who knows, & beer geeks don’t really give a damn.
“World” top selling beers? China’s Snow brand, produced by SABMiller, is supposedly the #1 beer by volume at 52 million Bbl in 2011…are the $ values that much lower than the others on this list?
Best sellers’ Top 10 list contains only 9 … what startled me is that Bud Light is outselling Miller Lite close to 3-1 $-wise (vol #’s may tell a different story, but I doubt if the vol ratios would go below 2-1). Bud advertises more these days than Miller, but maybe those who prefer the low-cal shit have discovered that Bud Light has far more hop taste than Miller Lite (“triple hopped” as their recent ads promoted = 1 cone, or the liquid equivalent thereof). Who knows, & beer geeks don’t really give a damn.
“World” top selling beers? China’s Snow brand, produced by SABMiller, is supposedly the #1 beer by volume at 52 million Bbl in 2011…are the $ values that much lower than the others on this list?