You probably knew I’m a huge map geek, so I’m always on the lookout for interesting ones. I came across a website recently boasting 100 Amazing World Maps. And while the headline may be a tad hyperbolic, some of them certainly are interesting. Here are a few that fell into that category for me. Check out the rest here if you also like this sort of thing. Enjoy.
Map of Alcohol Consumption Around the World

You’re probably not shocked to learn that Ireland, Russia, France and Germany are some of the countries that consume the most alcohol. But you may be surprised to learn that tiny Belarus consumes the most alcohol of all, with an average of 17.5 liters of pure alcohol consumed per capita every year.
Map of Drink of Choice Around the World

Looks like North and South Americans, as well as Australians, love their beer, while Asia, the Caribbean and Russia dig their spirits. Rice wine, rum and vodka, perhaps?
Map of Who Spends the Most on Booze

Ahem. Ireland?
Map of Coffee Consumption Around the World

Can’t live without your cuppa Joe in the morning? Looks like you’re not the only one! In some countries, such as those in (colder) Scandinavia, each person is drinking up to 26 pounds of coffee per year.
Map of the World’s Happiest People

It makes us smile to see a hemisphere filled with happiness!
Also, is anyone surprised that famously cordial Canada, free-spirited Australia and peaceful Scandinavia have some of the happiest locals on earth?
Map of Worldwide Tipping

Now before you go thinking a country is cheap, remember that they may pay higher wages so employees don’t need tips to make a living. (Unlike in America, which needs to get with the program.)
Map of Water Consumption Around the World

You may be surprised to learn the volume of water needed for the production of essential goods and services. This map brings the problem of water scarcity into sharp focus.
Map of Grapes Yielded by Country

Where, oh where, does your favorite wine get its grapes from?
Map of Craft Breweries in the U.S.

Think craft breweries have been popping up all around your state? You’re right, especially if you live in the western part of the country.
Map of Every Pub in the UK

You knew pubs were popular in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but did you know they were this popular? This map cannot even begin to show each and every one of the pubs, because there are more than 48,000!