Today in 1889, Montana became the 41st state.
Montana Breweries
- Bayern Brewing
- Beaver Creek Brewery
- Big Sky Brewing
- Bitter Root Brewing
- Blackfoot River Brewing
- Blacksmith Brewing
- Bones Brewing Pub & Eatery
- Bozeman Brewing
- Carter’s Brewing
- Draught Works Brewery
- Flathead Lake Brewing
- 406 Brewing Company
- Glacier Brewing
- Great Northern Brewing
- Harvest Moon Brewery
- Kettlehouse Brewery
- Lewis & Clark Brewing
- Lewistown Brewing
- Lone Peak Brewery
- Madison River Brewing
- Missouri Breaks Brewing
- Montana Brewing
- Neptune’s Brewery
- Quarry Brewing
- Raven Pub and Grill
- Red Lodge Ales
- Spanish Peaks Brewing
- Tamarack Brewing Alehouse & Grill
- Wildwood Brewing
- Yellowstone Valley Brewing
Montana Brewery Guides
Guild: Montana Brewers Association
State Agency: Montana Department of Revenue Liquor Control
- Capital: Helena
- Largest Cities: Billings, Missoula, Great Falls, Butte, Bozeman
- Population: 902,195; 44th
- Area: 147046 sq.mi., 4th
- Nickname: Treasure State
- Statehood: 41st, November 8, 1889
- Alcohol Legalized: December 5, 1933
- Number of Breweries: 30
- Rank: 21st
- Beer Production: 993,496
- Production Rank: 43rd
- Beer Per Capita: 31.8 Gallons
Package Mix:
- Bottles: 34.6%
- Cans: 53%
- Kegs: 12.3%
Beer Taxes:
- Per Gallon: $0.14
- Per Case: $0.31
- Tax Per Barrel (24/12 Case): $4.30
- Draught Tax Per Barrel (in Kegs): $4.30
Economic Impact (2010):
- From Brewing: $41,418,747
- Direct Impact: $307,661,400
- Supplier Impact: $129,447,052
- Induced Economic Impact: $178,191,531
- Total Impact: $615,299,983
Legal Restrictions:
- Control State: No
- Sale Hours: On Premises: Closing 2am
Off Premises: - Grocery Store Sales: Yes
- Notes: ABV > 16% wine sold in state-contracted stores, ABV < 16% may be sold in grocery stores.
Brewery tasting rooms cannot serve beer after 8 pm (10am-8pm) and can only sell 48 oz. per customer per day.
Data complied, in part, from the Beer Institute’s Brewer’s Almanac 2010, Beer Serves America, the Brewers Association, Wikipedia and my World Factbook. If you see I’m missing a brewery link, please be so kind as to drop me a note or simply comment on this post. Thanks.
For the remaining states, see Brewing Links: United States.
I’m a little behind on these–you put out A LOT of products.
You missed Draught Works ( that opened a couple months ago in Missoula–putting us at FOUR in town! We have a craft distillery just opening and two wineries as well. Not bad for a town of 67,000 people.
Also, brewery tasting rooms cannot serve beer after 8 pm (10am-8pm) and can only sell 48 oz per customer per day. It’s pretty lame. We tried to pass legislation pushing it 2 hours later (12-10pm), but it was tabled, so we’re screwed it seems for another two years.
Adam, thanks for the updates.
Great list, and if you want to know where you can find these beers, check out!