Today in 1907, US Patent 864560 A was issued, an invention of Otto L. R. Ritter, for his “Keg Sprinkling Machine.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes these claims:
This invention relates to sprinkling machines for sprinkling kegs, barrels, bottles, jars and analogous articles.
The invention primarily contemplates a machine provided with a rotatable and disappearing nozzle for applying the cleansing medium, the latter actuating the nozzle when supplied to wash or rinse an article gravity when the cleansing medium supply is cut off, thereby permitting the article to be readily removed after it has been washed or rinsed without in the least damaging the nozzle.
The invention further contemplates a machine provided with a support for the article to be washed or rinsed, said support being capable of rotation upon a vertical axis, and provided-with means for opening a hot or cold cleansing medium supply. The nozzle by its rotation projects the cleansing medium outwardly in all directions, and it is thus rendered more effective in treating a greater surface area of the article cleansed. The movement of the nozzle is rendered easy and Without obstruction when rotated by providing a ball bearing therefor, all of which will be more fully hereinafter set forth.